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To purchase
"Kids Sing for
Jesus: Catholic
Songs for Little

you may go to
CD Baby for the CD
or digital downloads,
or you can purchase
the CD or new
songbook for
childrens' choirs now
available through
Library Publications.

Thank you to all the various people, organizations and artists who have so generously allowed us to incorporate their intellectual content and artistic media into this site.

The Holy Spirit gifts us, the Church, in so many wonderful ways. We are grateful to God for the ministries he has given these individuals and organizations and we assure them of our prayers as we ask the Lord to continue to direct, inspire and bless their work.

David Burke

Songs on Mary's Page and Teens Page

"Whenever I'm going to write a song, I make sure I connect with Jesus, and one of the steps I use is repeatedly saying the Rosary. It's that intercession that Mary brings to me that makes that connection." In program, Cheri and Sally visit with David Burke. He is so moved by his love for Mary that he writes music about her. Some of David's music is available free of charge for downloading at His is an inspirational story you won't want to miss.

William Cushman

Answered Prayer Page

"I'm just an Ordinary guy who can play piano. After years of searching, trying different styles and experimenting in varying directions, I was blessed to find a compositional technique that suits me best. These piano compositions are created at one sitting without any pre-writing or design. They are completely improvisational.. almost stream of consciousness.. no practicing, just what I feel at the moment, completely raw. Free to use for: Healing, Multimedia projects, Live events, Performance, Inspiration. I call this blog, Ghost Notes.. because it's not my music. This is God's music through me..."

Visit Bill's Site Here:

"The Knights of Columbus"

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit – A PDF Download on the "Teens Page"

Visit the "Knights of Columbus" web site here.

Fr. Stan Fortuna

Teens Page & Videos – "On the Meaning of Suffering"

Fr. Stan Fortuna has been playing music since the 2nd grade when his father gave him his first instrument for Christmas - a red electric guitar! His love for music grew into early adulthood as he began the life long journey of learning the art of improvising by practicing countless hours and playing lots of sessions in the New York area. It was during that time that Fortuna began hearing his true calling in life and was eventually ordained a Roman Catholic priest. He is one of the eight original members of the Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, a community established in the Archdiocese of New York under the jurisdiction of John Cardinal O'Connor in 1987. Fr. Stan established Francesco Productions ( in 1987, a non-profit company which produces his music, teaching tapes and videos. He established the non-profit recording company to assist the poor and to evangelize Christ's Word through his music. From Contemporary Christian to Jazz, Folk, Reggae and Rap, this incredible musician and composer has produced music for the enjoyment of all ages and walks of life. He has released numerous CD's of original music and standards, arranged in his very special style. All proceeds from sales go to the Community's hands-on work with the poor. – Visit Fr. Stan's Site – Francesco Productions

The Rennas

Songs on "Kids Page"

"Mary Ann, I want to take my preschool class into church and teach them about being with Jesus in the church. Would you come sing with us?" These were the words of Mrs. Dot West almost ten years ago. I saw her at a conference. She had been my kindergarten teacher at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School. Now, thirty years later, she was still teaching with the same gentleness and beautiful smile. "Sure, I'd be glad to," was my instant response. However, as I mulled over what I would want those young children to learn, I realized I didn't have much material. I had been teaching preschool music in a Montessori school, but religious songs were not encouraged (very sad, considering the real life of Maria Montessori). I had led music for a high school youth group, but those songs weren't "young" enough. I needed easy, teachable material, preferably with hand and body motions to get the children involved.

Thus began the writing of what is now known as "Kids Sing for Jesus: Catholic Songs for Little Ones" CD. Some of the songs were already written. For instance, "Catechism Rap" was the result of trying to get my oldest son, Joseph, to memorize the Baltimore Catechism when he was in first grade. We would memorize with a beat, and he loved it. I knew that I wanted the young children to know that we were in God's house, and that we would be singing for Jesus, the Blessed Mother, and all the Saints. I wanted them to learn to genuflect to Jesus in the tabernacle. I wrote "Holy, Holy Water" so they would remember to bless themselves when they first entered the church. Mrs. West told me that many of them didn't know the basic prayers. Maybe if they could repeat the words of the 'Hail Mary', they would learn it. An echo song would work. The "Angel of God" gave us an opportunity to discuss the importance of our guardian angels.

After a few years of visiting different classes, the teachers told us they loved the songs, but couldn't remember them to sing in class. They asked us if we would record them. In 2004, we recorded the CD in our basement studio. Theresa was one week shy of four when she recorded "My Special Friend." We had the help of three young girls in our homeschool group – Holly Blair and Noelle Formentano, and Sara Ranelli. We were up late many nights, and could only record when Angela (then, a baby) was sleeping.

We prayed that God would use our music to build up His Kingdom. Our ministry has always been dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our business, AvilaRose, Inc., is named after two of my favorite saints - St. Teresa of Avila and St. Therese of Lisieux, who showers roses of grace upon us from heaven. It is amazing to us what the response has been to the CD.

Our hope is that parents and grandparents will find it helpful in teaching their children the truths of our Catholic faith. It's just not enough to go to Church on Sunday. It's the daily prayer, scripture reading, living the liturgical year with the Saints' feast days, monthly confession (at least), Mass as often as possible, and Eucharistic adoration that will keep our children Catholic. And the promises that await them will be everlasting. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ! Amen.

We recently had our family picture taken. Our oldest, Joseph, is 14; Matthew is 12; Theresa is 8; Angela is 5; and Daniel is 3 years old.

The Rennas - 2009

Resources Attribution

Visit David's
web site at